I promise.
I'm just getting a whole lot of venting off of my chest at the moment.
Because it's hard.
When you have to put a happy face on for overly sensitive children.
And for your mother, who lives with you.
And for your niece, who lives with you.
And for most of your friends and all of your family.
See, I learned a very valueable lesson from being married to Jack.
You and your spouse are a team. You are a united front against the children and the rest of the world. And there are very few people who need to know that your marriage isn't perfect.
Really it would be better if no one knew.
And it's not because you need this perfect image for everyone to see.
It's because there are not many people who can hear you tell all of your husband's deepest secrets and annoying habits, who can know about all of his weaknesses and still respect him. No one is pretty under a microscope.
And even though today I would like to kick the living shit out of The White King and possibly bury him in the backyard, he is still my husband, and I need for everyone in my world to respect him. And they won't if they know his every flaw.
Which is why Analogy Land is so fantabulous.
Because you guys don't know The White King, or Jack, or anyone else in my world. Or at least if you do, you don't know that you do, and neither do I. So I can get my venting out and off of my chest without ruining a reputation or a dozen.
And I need a weight lifted. But once the load is a little lighter, I promise the bitch won't always bitch.
Just so you know....I feel exactly the same way!! Everyone that I bitch to totally despises my man. Even when they hear and see the good!! I have NO shoulder to lean on because noone understands the situation or him for that matter. All I can say is bitch away and I know how much you really love your King so what you say doesnt effect what is really there. If you hated him as much as people think, you would have left a long time ago!! Love has its ups and downs and all arounds. If we can't bitch about the man closest to us, then what can we bitch about, right?! Love ya sis,
My buddy always used to say, "The Chiefs have to be united against the rest of the Indians." Otherwise, it's 'divide and conquer.'