Monday, August 29, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole

If you've managed to find your way over here from TheBlogThatShallNotBeNamed, congratulations. If you're new to me and mine, welcome. Either way, here's the new digs.

I like them and I'm working on making it even more fabulous.

If you don't know me then you don't know that I am very fond of analogies. They make me happy, They help me say things that maybe I don't want to say, or maybe to understand things that I'm having trouble wrapping my head around. I don't actually plan on using analogies in <i>everything</i> I post here, but I will for things that maybe I shouldn't be blogging about if perhaps this blog were to fall into the hands of say, the White King.
Enjoy. Because I think I will.


  1. Excited about this blog!!! P.S. I can totally help you vamp it up!!! LOVE ya and missed ya!

  2. I've missed you too!! I'm excited. And I think that you may appreciate tomorrow's post.

  3. PS Check out my new blog:

  4. Welcome back, Queen. I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted.


It's your move..