I don't need another adventure. I really don't.
The White King had a double hip replacement in May at the ripe old age of 36. Before that we've done testicular cancer, ICU, breathing machines, kidney failure, pneumonia and a collapsed lung. And that's only the King's health issues. (Mine are much more mild, but still baffling, and really just involve a dozen doctors telling me that I'm depressed and am gaining weight because I'm lazy - they are also an entirely different story).
But whether I want it, need it or not, I am getting another adventure.
The White King has slept almost continually for 2 weeks. So I made him an appointment with the doctor for Thursday. Then he went to work Monday and came home early sick. And wanted to stay home Tuesday too. I made him go to the doctor early.
I have to admit that my motives for making and insisting upon the doctor's appointments were not entirely pure. I'm tired. The King has been sick almost continually for the last 3 years. And I have been taking care of him that entire time, and I'm tired. I have two actual children, a needy mother and an incompetent ex-husband to take care of as well, I deserve to be tired. I deserve a break.
So I insisted on the doctor. And honestly, I expected him to come home with directions to quit smoking and drinking and with a prescription for an anti-depressant.
The White King has a depressed kind of nature.
But nothing is ever simple where the White King's health is concerned.
Instead of a prescription, I got a phone call telling me to collect my husband and take him the the ER or an ambulance would.
Turns out he's jaundiced.
Probably due to alcoholic hepatitis.
Also, his potassium levels are non-existent. Which makes him at risk for a heart attack.
And his blood pressure is very low when normally it's very high.
So The White King is in ICU as I type and The White Queen is freaking the fuck out.
I've been here and done this, and its not pretty and I don't like it. The last time was so bad that everytime I enter a hospital now I have flashbacks to my husband dying several times.
Plus, I've been up for 24 hours now.
Because even when the White King is in the hospital being taken care of by a team of nurses, I have to take care of my children and double check my ex-husband.
Because that's apparantly what Queens do.
I think it's time to put the X in the Ex. A Queen has to prioritize.